
Children’s Voices

Our program is grounded in the interests and strengths of the children, understandings about the multiple ways in which young children express themselves. We are partners in the children’s learning, listening to their voices, assisting as they follow their own interests and learn through play.


We believe parents are children’s first and most influential teachers. We strive to develop and maintain respectful and supportive relationships with families so that we can work as collaborative partners, sharing knowledge, consistency and support including the home and the community.


We view children as confident and capable learners and we endeavour to provide environments, both inside and outside, that enhances and expands their learning. Children are encouraged to revisit past investigations, reignite ideas, interests and pose new questions. Educators provide environments and experiences for children to explore these ideas, investigate their theories, and interact with others in play.


We give priority to providing a secure and happy environment where children can explore, investigate and learn. We foster caring and nurturing relationships, with the children, ensuring consistent emotional support to assist children in developing the skills and to
interact positively with others with empathy, care and respect.


Diversity contributes to the richness of our centre we respect the cultural differences with in our families and the wider community. Fostering this respect in our children and preserving each child’s sense of identity is an integral part of our pedagogy.


The importance of Early Childhood Education and our enthusiasm for delivering quality is reflected in our provision of ever developing learning through play environments. Educators are committed to encouraging self-help skills, self-efficacy and a positive attitude to lifelong learning.


We work together to establish a lively culture of professional inquiry. We utilise an ongoing cycle of review through which we critically reflect on current practices, review outcomes and generate new ideas. This reflection shows us areas that can be improved and how we might
enhance what is working well.


We support and teach sustainable practices into our daily routines. Through our beach and bush school program we teach children the value of caring for our environment and our wider world. Educators extend children’s innate curiosity through conversations, stories and
noticing the beauty of our natural world.